Your Safe and Natural Way to Beautiful Pale Skin

There was a time when beautiful pale skin was considered in vogue. And then by the mid 1920's came the beautiful bronzed skin look, according to legend, accidentally started by Coco Chanel while yachting. Move forward through time and space to learn again of mixed controversies over the pale and the bronzed. And today's winner reveals the lighter and natural complexion - why?

Studies show that over time, continuous exposure to the sun will bring about dire consequences to your skin not worth risking. Some of which, to name a few are the onset of premature wrinkling, skin dryness and thinning, age spots also known as sun spots or liver spots. And the worst-case scenario: a serious and sad bout with skin cancer.

Direct causes linked to sun exposure can be avoided by reducing your time in the sun and especially while avoiding the peak hour times between 11 to 3. A minimum 15 minutes daily though is required to enable your body to produce the much-required Vitamin D to sustain health and vitality.

And so, the beautiful pale skin has become typical of healthier looks today. However, how pale a skin you have most certainly depends upon pigment levels and type of skin that will in turn determine the color of your skin, hair and iris of the eye.

Pigment levels also depend on one's race and culture, including the amount of sunlight has been exposed to over time. Increased sun exposure will increase levels of melanin production. This is your body's way to protect you against the harmful ultraviolet rays.

Melanin production is also affected by your body's hormonal changes. And therefore, higher levels of melanin will reveal a darker-looking skin.

Luckily there is help available, for those of us who want beautiful pale skin naturally with the added bonus of targeting the main causes of aging.

Through a European discovery of the natural herb extract Extrapone Nutgrass, this ingredient had been used initially as an anti irritant but later used for its amazing whitening properties.

When compared to other skin whitening products which can turn out to be rather irritating, this special natural ingredient works instead to gently whiten your skin while helping it look younger, smoother and healthier. And no harmful side effects to worry about.

So for beautiful pale skin that is peachy, light and soft, remember that you can get results that safe and natural through those skin care products that do contain the magical whitening and natural ingredient of the Extrapone Nutgrass.

Lita Pitruzzello, is a skin care passionata and avid proponent for natural skin care lines and products. To learn more about the fine line of natural skin care products she recommends, visit her site at

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