Understanding Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin aliment that is characterized by inflammation on the central parts of the face, including the chin, nose, cheeks, and forehead. One of the first signs of rosacea is facial redness that doesn't appear to being going away. Other strong indicators include red lines, pimples, swelling, and bumps that look a lot like acne. However, acne and rosacea and too entirely different conditions, though they are confused for one another often.

What's a bit unusual about rosacea is that it typically only affects people in the ages of 30-50. Both genders are susceptible to the condition, though it occurs more in women. Rosacea can be triggered by certain types of conditions, foods, beverages, medical conditions, emotions, and skin care products.

For instance, weather conditions including humidity, winds, as well as extreme heat and cold can be triggers. Spicy foods, vanilla, chocolate, cheese, yogurt, spinach, and citrus fruits have been know to aggravate rosacea. Beverages that are triggers include alcohol, hot drinks, red wine, beer, and hot chocolate. Even stress and anxiety can contribute to rosacea. Triggers are not the same for all cases, but the ones listed above are fairly consistent.

The only real way to know for sure is by keeping a journal. Take it with you wherever you go and document foods, beverages, weather conditions, activities, and emotions you felt. Before long you will be able to identify patterns that indicate what triggers rosacea.

The cause or rosacea is still not yet known for sure. Evidence does show that some families have a history of it. A common belief is that it's a vascular disorder since it involves visible blood vessels, redness, and flushing. The nervous system could play a role, since emotional stress is known to be a trigger in many cases.

If you suspect that you have rosacea, then visit your doctor. They have the knowledge and means to determine whether or not you have it. The earlier you get checked out, the quicker treatment can be given before it becomes severe.

If indeed you do have rosacea, then you lifestyle will have to be altered to avoid triggers. This won't be easy at first, but you will adjust over time. Some are almost impossible to always avoid, specifically weather conditions, but being conscious of them is what matters the most. Wearing sunblock is recommended in windy conditions.

Stress and anxiety are two triggers that you can control. Exercise is one way to relieve stress, and taking some time out of your today to participate in activities that are relaxing can help as well.

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