How To Do Makeup At Home

Some of us are born with natural beauty, dark, long lashes and unblemished skin, while others feel they will look their best with some makeup on. It is quite easy to learn how to do makeup at home and have that professional look each time one steps out of the house.

The first step would be to choose whether both concealer and foundation is necessary. If it is, chose a concealer that is slightly lighter in color than that of the foundation. This is a magical tip for dark circles under the eyes. The best method is to blend in well using the fingers or a sponge. Concealer has a tendency to apply on more thick than planned. One way to eliminate this is to rub some cream on the face.

The foundation one chooses has to match the skin tone. By applying little dots to the center of the face and blending it out with a sponge until covering all the face is the best method to use. To make sure the foundation will stay on all day and also to avoid any shiny areas from appearing, apply some powder to the face.

To apply an effect to the eyebrows it is better to use powdered shadows than pencil as it tends to look less natural. To get the most spectacular effect, use three shades of eye shadow. Select them from light, medium and dark colors. The darkest of the three should be used to line the upper eyelid. For the last effect on the eye, apply eyeliner only to the outer of the eye and only line two thirds of the eye.

Mascara can be used to do various things. It can either be used for lashes to appear longer and fuller, or for a curly look. The color depends on the eye shadow that was chosen. If one went for light colors, make use of a brown eye shadow. If dark colors were used, black would be most suitable.

The cheeks also need a special touch. To accentuate the cheekbones one should add a little blush to the apples or just below. Lastly the lips need to make a statement. Lips should always be lined after applying lipstick and not before. This will avoid the liner from showing when the lipstick has been worn off.

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